martes, 10 de febrero de 2015

Stocktaking of costs: By Nieves Bravo

My Stocktaking:

-House: 150 €
-Water: 25 €
-Light: 30€
-Car Insurance: 50 €
-Telephone Calls: 21´5 €
-Petrol: 110 €
-Mercadona: 20 € (Food)
-Decatlon: 60 € (snow material)
-Vazquez´s butchery: 15´50 € (meat)
-Birthday´s present: 12´75€
-Viveros Guzman: 30 € (plants)
-Zara: 40 € (coat)
-Restaurant: 62´6 € 
-Calcedonia: 7´5 € (Tights)
-Romero´s haberdashery: 3´5€ (Tights)
-Berska: 19´99€ (jeans)
-Montesol: 38 € (food)
-Stationer´s: 2´5 € (Pens)
-Supersol: 63´76 € (food)
-Academy: 30 €
-Tenis´s club: 12€
-Medicines: 14´5 €

OVERALL: 819´1 €

lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015

Inventories graphic

After comparing our inventories, making the average and decreasing it, this is the graphic that we have obtained.

Stocktaking with Nest-egg


Light: 7€ using other types of bulbs that spend less and taking care of what we have on at home.
Stationer's: 4€ reading books using Internet.
Restaurants: 59€ Eating at home.
Petrol: 10€ using public transports.
Television: 20€ we dont have to have Canal+
Presents: 12€ making manual presents.
Clothes: 40€ looking for deals and not buying unnecessary items.


Overall Stocktaking

House: 200€
Water: 20€
Light: 27€
Gas bottles: 9€
Car insurance: 55€
House inurance: 20€
Food: 122€
Stationer's: 6€
Restaurants: 59€
Chemist's: 25€
Academy: 20€
Car: 150€
Petrol: 68€
Television: 20€
Telephone calls: 20€
IKEA: 90€
Presents: 12€
Clothes: 136€
Bus: 14€
Bulbs: 10€

Stocktaking of costs: By Mara Pulido

My Stocktaking

Mercadona: 70€
Lidl: 80€
Zara: 40€
Primor: 20€
Bulbs: 10€
Foot Lucker: 40€
One pen: 0.75€
One rubber: 0.75€
Primark: 80€
Clothes: 40€
Academy: 20€
Mobile recharge: 10€
Light: 20€
Water: 20€
Medicines: 20€
OVERALL: 1.421,50€

Stocktaking of costs: By Carmen Linero

My Stocktaking
Restaurants: 25€
Bus: 14€
Dentist: 20€
Books shop: 8€
Mercadona: 90€
Supersol: 35€
Light: 30€
Telephone calls:30€
Ikea: 90€
Clothes: 60€
Petrol: 50€
Water: 15€
Academy: 20€
Hang out: 40€
Chemit's: 35€
Furniture: 72€
A Present: 20€
OVERALL: 674,5

Stocktaking of costs: By María Ángeles González

My Stocktaking:

House: 250€
Water: 25€
Light: 30€
Gas: 15€
Car insurance: 45€
House insurance: 20€
Mercadona: 60€
Stationer's: 1,60€
Birthday's present: 5,99€
Telephone calls: 17,5€
Petrol: 50€
Restaurants: 27€
Car: 150€
Aldi: 30€
Medicines: 20€
OVERALL: 750,09€